Review Details

Suspension cable with ball terminal for lighting fixtures 48", 3/64" diameter

Suspension cable with ball terminal for lighting fixtures 48", 3/64" diameter

Product Review (submitted on November 22, 2021):
In my Pan Abode open beam vaulted tongue and groove car deck ceiling the cables disappear. Exactly what I was looking for!
Suspension cable with ball terminal for lighting fixtures 48", 3/64" diameter
CUSTOM ORDER 48" braided support cable with ball terminal for use with the HX-T-CLIP-KEY-W t-bar clip in our cable suspension system. Cable is sold in multiple lengths to work with most any ceiling height. With this system the cable is inserted into the ceiling coupler on one end and the cable glider on the other. No tools are required to do this. Once the system is installed the cable can be adjusted by sliding it through the cable glider and releasing the top plunger when needed. Once your entire track system is installed and working and you have the exact desired height of your track you can cut away the excess cable. See our installation instructions for more details.